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Schemes / Promotion ​

Schemes / Promotions can be accessed through the setup menu in our application. Here users can create Schemes / Promotions according to their requirements.

Currently, we are providing 6 different types of schemes which are;

  • Discount Invoice Scheme
    This Scheme / Promotion discount will be applied to the invoice amount.
  • Bonus Invoice Scheme
    This scheme will give a bonus product on a specific amount set in the Scheme / Promotion.
  • Discount Product Scheme
    This Scheme / Promotion discount will be applied to product quantity.
  • Bonus product Scheme
    This scheme will give a bonus product on a specific product quantity set in the Scheme / Promotion.
  • Discount Product Category Scheme
    This scheme will be applied to the product category.
  • Bonus Product Category Scheme
    This scheme will give a bonus product in the product category.



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