Sales Person

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Sales Person

You can add Sales Representatives in splendid accounts categorized as Delivery Person, Salesman, Order Booker. These representatives can be used in Sales transactions and will be helpful in sales reporting.

Add Delivery Person, Salesman, Order Booker

The select Salesperson from the List column under the Setup menu.

Add Delivery Person, Salesman, Order Booker

  1. Click “+Add Sale Person
  2. Enter the name of the Sale person
  3. Choose the category for the sales representative. You can also select sub-area against a salesperson if sales geography is enabled for the company.
  4. Click Save and Continue Edit to save it and continue to edit, or click Save and New to record a new salesperson and save the previous one or click Save and Close to close it.
  5. If the salesperson is not working with the company or temporary he is not available, you can also mark the salesperson as active or inactive.

Add Delivery Person, Salesman, Order Booker

Export file to excel

You can export the list as excel or PDF format.
Export file to excel

Assign sub-area to Sales Person

You can select multiple sub-areas for your salesperson just by assigning the areas from the areas list.
Assign sub-area to Sales Person

Sales Person settings

Splendid accounts are letting you allow to set salesman, delivery person, or order booker on each page separately from company settings. You may also set these fields as required so that no transaction such as delivery, invoice, return, etc can not be approved until these selected.
Sales Person settings

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