Sales Geography

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Sales Geography​

You can add Sales geography in splendid accounts categorized as regions, zones, areas, and subareas. You can assign the sub-area to customers and salesperson and depending on the selection of the areas you can easily filter the data at reports.

Add Region, Zones, Territories, Areas, and Subareas



  1. Click “+Add Regions”.
  2. Enter the name of the region.
  3. Click Save and Continue Edit to save and continue to edit, or click Save and New to record a new salesperson and save the previous one or click Save and Close to close it.



  1. Click “+Add Zones
  2. Select appropriate region
  3. Enter the name of the Zone
  4. Click Save and Continue Edit to save and continue to edit, or click Save and New to record a new salesperson and save the previous one or click Save and Close to close it.


  1. Click “+Add territories
  2. Select appropriate region and zone
  3. Enter the name of the territories
  4. Click Save and Continue Edit to save it and continue to edit, or click Save and New to record a new salesperson and save the previous one or click Save and Close to close it.



  1. Click “+Add areas
  2. Select an appropriate region, zone, and territories
  3. Enter the name of the areas
  4. Click Save and Continue Edit to save it and continue to edit, or click Save and New to record a new salesperson and save the previous one or click Save and Close to close it.




  1. Click “+Add subareas
  2. Select an appropriate region, zone, territories, and area
  3. Enter the name of the sub-areas
  4. Click Save and Continue Edit to save it and continue to edit, or click Save and New to record a new salesperson and save the previous one or click Save and Close to close it.
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