Add a vendor
You can add a vendor in our system by visiting the setup menu and select the vendor under the List column. A vendor form is having the following details.
Each vendor has its unique vendor code, CNIC, currency. The system is also allowing them to have other details as well.
Edit vendor
You can edit the vendor details by going to the vendor list and select the desired vendor.
Delete vendor
If the vendor is not associate with any journal entry or any transactions in the system then the vendor can be deleted from the system. You can mark a vendor as active or inactive.
Print via PDF or Excel sheet
Once the vendor list has been added into the system, you can print the list of all the vendors via PDF or Excel Sheet.
Browse Attachment
Splendid accounts is having a feature to attach any detail against a vendor by using the Browse Files option. Drag and drop are also significant for the feature. Any png, jpeg, pdf, or excel file can be uploaded.
Add vendor by Import
If you are setting up the new company, you may also add vendor using an import feature. So, in Splendid Accounts, you can easily add your new vendor through the import process in bulk.
Associate Custom Field with a vendor
A company can have different types of vendors and to get sort them we have a feature “Custom Field” under setup menu which will allow you to have them on different listing pages. Any custom field can be added and associate with the vendor. the vendor will have that field under the custom field tab.
Add opening balance through vendor
You can enter the opening balance of a vendor by adding a purchase invoice if it is positive but if your vendor is having a negative opening balance means that he has payables.
Add your Principal via Vendor
Also, you can mark your vendor as a principal and it can be used in for product management.